Easter Decal Ideas To Sell
If you sell seasonal decals, it can get tiring thinking of new ideas every year and for every occasion. That’s why I’m trying to give you as many ideas as I can in my videos & posts, and this time it’s for Easter. So in this post I’ll just share a few ideas of decals that you could start selling now that I think will be popular for customers in Spring.
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Easter Crate/Bucket
At Christmas, custom Xmas Eve crates are always super popular!
And now the same is true at Easter! Custom crates can be used to give Easter gifts in, and you can sell DIY decals so that customers can make their own, which they can use for years to come.
I have an SVG on my Etsy shop that is perfect for this!
Or you could also do decals for a bucket that could be used to put presents in as well, or as a custom Easter hunt egg holder. These are perfect if you want to do more simple name decals!
Easter Egg Hunt Kit
Speaking of Easter egg hunts, you could put together an Easter egg hunt kit with removable vinyl that parents can stick around their home or garden to help their kids find those prized eggs.
You may want to mix this up with other mediums, not just vinyl, but I’m sure it would be a great find for any parents who don’t quite have the time to make their own hunt up from scratch, but still want to create a fun and creative activity for their kids.
Custom Egg Cups
We all know everyone goes crazy about eggs at Easter, and egg cups are an easy item to customize!
Photo: Amazon
This is perfect if you already sell name and/or label decals too as they’re basically the same thing, you just need to add a new listing and a new picture and you’ve got yourself a completely new product without having to create a whole new decal design.
And then of course there are lots of SVGs out there that are appropriate for making signs and decorations - you could provide decals for DIY wood signage, or just removable window decals that customers can re-use every year.
And these could range from more religious quotes…
to just cute easter bunny ones…
and beyond, depending on what you think your audience would prefer.
Easter Bunny Tray/Plate
This is a new one for me, but I think it’s such a cute idea…
and that’s tray or plate decals for the Easter bunny, because he works hard just like Santa and deserves a treat too!
This SVG bundle below from Toni’s Art Studio has 6 different designs you can choose from…
but there are lots of different designs to choose from on Design Bundles depending on how complicated you think people can handle! And it’s just another creative way for customers to keep their kids imaginations alive this Easter.
And then if you sell iron-on vinyl you could perhaps look into selling decals for Easter-themed shirts, onesies, totes, cushions - you name it! There are so many different designs to choose from.
They don’t necessarily have to scream Easter either - they could be more generic spring or Bunny designs and then they can be worn for a little bit longer each year.
You could also sell Iron-on vinyl for Bunny or Chick teddies to add to their ears, belly and/or feet if you’re confident customers can find the right type of soft toy.
But as I’ve mentioned before I would only advise this for older kids as they should really be tested before they’re given to babies.
Image: CraftBlanksWholesale
Finished Products
This is probably something you would need to sell as a finished product rather than a decal unless you can pair up with another company that sells them or makes finished products, but, there are lots of these types of egg holders and craft cutouts that are perfect as Easter gifts and are begging to be customized!
So do look into those and don’t forget to check the resources page on my website if you need to find a local blanks seller.
And so those are just a few ideas to get you started, I’m sure you can think of lots more creative ones! But if you need more inspiration do check out Pinterest, design sites and blanks sites for lots more ideas!
Let me know in the comments which idea is your fave, and if you have any others you would like to share! And check out my other posts below if you need other decal ideas for the rest of the year…