5 Halloween Decals To Make & Sell This October
There are so many ways you can use Vinyl Decals you can create for Halloween both to sell, and to use at home with your own family. Check out this list for some unique ideas you may not have heard of and you can give a try this October…
Watch the video here…
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Pumpkin decals
Pumpkin decals are an obvious one, however they are quite tricky to apply, check out my tutorial…
HOW TO: Apply Vinyl Decals to a Pumpkin
…if you want to see the struggle I had last year. So you would need very good instructions if you decide to sell them, and maybe a little disclaimer just to say that they’re best on flatter, smoother or fake pumpkins. Although maybe test some out yourself and you might figure out a good hack for applying them that you can pass on.
Photo: Cricut
They are such a good idea though as carving a pumpkin, although a fun activity, is hard and messy and not always that easy if you have young kids and can’t use anything too sharp.
And you can just do standard pumpkin faces with your decals, but you could also do characters, spooky quotes, or just a simple ‘Happy Halloween’.
Photo: AllHerGlory
Costume iron ons
I hate dressing up. I’m super low effort. So this is my perfect solution for creating a costume…
….just grabbing a plain tshirt and putting something themed on it and that’s me done for the night. Of course, it doesn’t have to be a tshirt, it could be a witches hat, or a dress, or something way more elaborate
Which again is a great thing to sell if you can create something that a lot of people might want to be dressing up as this halloween - think relevant to the moment!
Again you need to give careful instructions with iron on decals though, for both applying and care after it has been added to the clothing.
Window decals/window cling or door decals
These are going to be the easiest and most obvious thing to sell, but the variety of characters, colours and sizes you can offer is endless so you can really have some fun creating either door, wall or window decals as halloween decorations.
Photo: Six Little Ducks
It’s probably preferable to sell either removable vinyl or window cling for these as they’re so temporary. If you’ve never used window cling before watch my video from last year when I added a little pumpkin to my window.
It is technically reusable as well so I might end up putting the same one up again this year, and it also makes an added bonus for people when you’re selling them.
Plate/cup/bottle decals for Halloween feasts
These are also pretty easy ones to do but things you can have a lot of fun with, whether it’s making a halloween feast extra scary, or giving a little spooky gift to someone in the form of a mug or glass.
Just remember that a lot of vinyl isn’t food safe so you would need to put a disclaimer if you’re selling plate decals that it’s for decoration purposes rather than eating off, and that most decals usually can’t go through the dishwasher unless they’re sealed somehow.
Find this SVG file here - ThatsWhatCheSaid
Nail art decals
This is something I’m yet to try, maybe I’ll do a tutorial on it one day! But it’s such a fun idea and I have seen people create some very cool nail art using vinyl, and I also think this would be the perfect thing to complement any Halloween costume. Especially because there are so many tiny shapes you can do that are all hallows eve themed… like little bats, or ghosts, or pumpkins. And the plus is that you can just use your scrap vinyl to make them too so they don’t even require much outlay for materials.
I hope that has given you some good ideas for what to make or sell this October, let me know if you have any other ideas in the comments section and I hope you have a very spooky Halloween this year!